
Home » Blog » What Does A Deep House Cleaning Include?

By: Rain City Maids
Jun 17, 2024

Have you looked around your home and thought, "It could do with one of those deep cleanings"? That thought can be especially prevalent when dealing with stubborn grime or when you start noticing dirt in places where it wasn't before.

If you feel like your home needs a deep cleaning but aren't confident about what you need to do, no problem! From what tasks to tackle to how often your house might need one, we'll give you all the info you need on deep cleaning.

Deep cleaning vs. standard cleaning

The names of these two cleaning approaches can easily give you an idea of what they go for. But what makes one deeper than the other? We'll help you answer that burning question!

Scope of cleaning

Regular cleaning keeps your place looking tidy by getting rid of visible dust and dirt. Deep cleaning, on the other hand, not only tackles what's in plain sight but also digs into the nooks and crannies to remove accumulated grime, setting the base cleanliness level that regular cleaning then maintains.

Tasks covered

Deep cleaning encompasses everything done in a standard cleaning but does it more thoroughly. It also addresses areas often neglected during regular clean-ups, especially those hard-to-reach spots.

Time taken

A typical cleaning session might last an hour or two, depending on your home's size. Deep cleaning, however, is more thorough and involves dealing with hidden dirt in every corner and tackling tasks more detailedly, so it generally takes more than two hours.

So, what does a deep cleaning include?

A deep clean involves an extensive checklist that ensures your place is spotless and stays that way for much longer compared to regular cleaning. Here's a room-by-room breakdown of what you can expect:


In the kitchen, regular cleaning includes wiping down countertops and the exterior of appliances and cabinets. Deep cleaning adds detail cleaning, like wiping handles and light switches. This is our full kitchen deep cleaning checklist:

  • Clean major appliance exteriors
  • Clean inside and outside microwave
  • Clean/disinfect/polish sinks and faucets
  • Clean and disinfect counters and backsplash
  • Clean table and chairs
  • Dust window sills
  • Empty trash and replace liner
  • Clean floors (vacuum, sweep, mop)
  • Remove cobwebs 
  • Wipe doors, handles, and light switches 
  • Wipe baseboards 
  • Wipe outside cabinets and drawers


For bathrooms, both regular cleaning and deep cleaning involve wiping down mirrors and cleaning the toilet. During a deep cleaning, we devote extra time to wiping and scrubbing the shower and bath, as well as other detailed cleaning tasks. Here's the full list:

  • Clean tub, shower door, and inside of shower
  • Clean toilets in/out, base, and behind
  • Clean exterior of vanities
  • Clean and polish countertops, sinks, and faucets
  • Clean mirrors
  • Dust window sills
  • Dust picture frames
  • Clean and disinfect towel bars
  • Fold and hang towels neatly
  • Empty trash and replace liner
  • Clean floors (vacuum, sweep, mop)
  • Extra attention to shower and bath 
  • Remove cobwebs 
  • Wipe doors, handles, and light switches 


Regular cleaning includes dusting surfaces, vacuuming or sweeping the floor, and making the bed. Deep cleaning adds wiping light switches, cobweb removal, and other tasks. This is our full bedroom deep cleaning checklist:

  • Make beds (linens changed upon request)
  • Dust lamps and lampshades
  • Dust furniture within reach (top, front, and underneath)
  • Dust picture frames
  • Dust window sills
  • Clean mirrors and glass surfaces
  • Dust light fixtures, ceiling fans, and vents
  • Empty trash and replace liner
  • Clean floors (vacuum, sweep, mop)
  • Remove cobwebs 
  • Wipe doors, handles, and light switches 

Dining Room/Living Areas

Regular cleaning covers dusting upholstered furniture, mopping floors, and emptying the trash. Besides covering those same tasks, deep cleaning takes it up a notch with detailed tasks like wiping baseboards. This is the full cleaning checklist:

  • Vacuum/dust upholstered furniture
  • Dust lamps and lampshades
  • Dust furniture within reach (top, front, and underneath)
  • Dust picture frames
  • Dust window sills
  • Clean mirrors and glass surfaces
  • Empty trash and replace liner
  • Clean floors (vacuum, sweep, mop)
  • Remove cobwebs
  • Wipe high-touch areas like light switches and doorknobs
  • Wipe baseboards

Laundry Room

On top of cleaning the top of the washer and dryer and sweeping the floor, our deep cleaning adds wiping baseboards and removing cobwebs. This is our full laundry room deep cleaning checklist:

  • Dust window sills
  • Wipe tops of washer and dryer
  • Empty trash and replace liner
  • Clean floors (vacuum, sweep, mop)
  • Remove cobwebs 
  • Wipe doors, handles, and light switches 
  • Wipe outside cabinets and drawers 
  • Wipe baseboards 

Add-On Services

Other tasks that are not usually included in our deep cleaning package but we offer as add-ons are the following:

  • Clean inside refrigerator
  • Clean inside oven
  • Clean inside windows
  • Clean inside empty cabinets
  • Detail clean blinds

Benefits you get with a deep cleaning

The additional time and attention to detail invested in a deep cleaning make a big difference in the end. When it comes to results, the meticulous process of tackling dirt, getting into difficult corners, and addressing neglected spots will make your home much cleaner and relaxing.

  • Improved indoor air quality. Cleaning your house in-depth reduces the amount of pollutants in the air, improving the quality of the air you breathe. There will be less risk of allergies and illnesses spreading through your home.
  • Mold elimination. Mold and mildew buildup usually thrives in hard-to-reach nooks and crannies. As deep cleaning focuses on often-overlooked spots, it becomes your best bet to keep your home safe.
  • Stress relief. Have you noticed how your mood suffers when your house is dirty and messy? A deep cleaning creates a spotless space that lifts your spirits, clears your mind, and helps you feel in a better spot mentally.

When does a deep cleaning become necessary?

Generally (and shortly) speaking, diving into a deep clean quarterly or semi-annually is enough to keep dirt buildup at bay. On the other hand, if you are planning on hiring cleaning services on a regular basis, most of them require you to schedule a deep clean first.

However, if you just want a one-time deep cleaning session, knowing the right moment to get it so you don't unnecessarily waste resources depends on various things. Let's dive into the different factors that play a part in how often your home could need deep cleaning:

Number of people

The more people who live under the same roof, the more dust will enter your home and find its way into every room.

The same goes for places where there's constant movement, like parties or kids running around. Under these conditions, a monthly deep cleaning might benefit you better than a quarterly one.

Seasonal cleaning

Spring and fall are excellent times to carry out a deep cleaning, especially when you're transitioning from one season to the next. It's a chance to shake off the accumulated dust from winter or get everything spick and span for the next three months.

Special occasions

Some situations call for an extra dose of cleaning, like moving into a new place, getting ready for a party or gathering, or even preparing for a new child! Whatever the case, a deep cleaning will ensure your house is ready for the big moment.

Your particular needs

Your lifestyle and any particular needs that come with it play a big role in how often you'll need a deep cleaning. For instance, if you have a packed schedule, you'll have less time to clean than those who are less busy, which could cause dirt and dust to accumulate more.

More dirt in your house—especially of the stubborn type—means a deep cleaning will be necessary more often!

Are you in need of a deep cleaning? Leave it to us!

A deep cleaning could be what your house desperately needs to be in top shape again, but you might not have the time to carry it out as you'd like it. That's why Rain City Maids offers deep cleaning services that will keep your house spotless—no matter how challenging it gets!
We follow a thorough checklist to ensure no corner in your house goes unnoticed, and we also have many add-ons to enhance your service. Get instant pricing now!

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